Sunday, December 20, 2009
A new club? AIR KICKS!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Record Muskie Catch & Cyd the Cyclops
Its good to see that our friends in Gananoque understand the importance of good sportsmanship, and that our muskie friends will live to swim another day!
"Never mess with a one eyed musky." Especially when his name is "Cyd the Cyclops" or "Big Mama" attacking in a German U-Boat formation. So Jim referenced his "Understanding River Muskellunge" DVD and I just had to check it out. I found some other gems as well over at All Esox Publishing, including books such as "The Quest for Girthra," described as "The epic, mythic, heroic, cosmic, ceremonial, and comic aspects of Musky fishing. The essence of Musky lore is revealed to a poor wanderer, lost in a fogbank, on the endless troll, through the List of Forty sayings of Musky Bill. Follow him on his quest." I'm also very interested in "The Forty Sayings of Musky Bill."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I did the HUNDRED!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Parkour in the Big City
Note the moments of deep concentration before she makes her move!
The precision running necessary to pull of this move is astounding!
The new club needs a hip name. Sound off with your ideas in the comments!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Things to make you smile (and maybe laugh appreciatively).
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
425: Cookin' Up a Storm
Members Lewis, Chet, and Vortex their prowess in the kitchen as they serve up some treats. The Viriginia chapter of MAW gathered in Alexandria for a 425 cooking club extravaganza over President's Day weekend. The menu for the evening included meatloaf, pumpkin soup, salad, and orange pound cake for dessert!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Play some Bocce!

Lewis and I were talking last week about how we missed participating in a little competitive LGF together. I was recently flipping through some albums and found these pics from about 3 years ago. They reminded me of how enjoyable Bocce can be -- even if it's a little chilly and there's snow on the ground. It's not easy to find just anyone who'd be willing to play in said elements! Long live the Lawn Game Federation.... now get out and play some!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The logo says it all. I did 100 push-ups today. The first 70 went really quick, the last 10 were hard. My abs were shaking a little. I collapsed after hitting 100 (I was going to do a few extra). I decided at some point during my day in the office I was just going to do 100 today and not wait a few more days. my next goal will be doing 100 more easily and I think I'll do the 200 sit-ups program as well. How is everyone else doing?

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Gimme A Bread
Monday, February 9, 2009
Transfer Announced for Jet and Nitro
Welcome Aboard!

Last week, Chet, Gauchita and I were reminiscing about the infamous public speaking professor at Virginia Tech whose favorite expression was
Welcome Aboard!
We also were remembering how we sent the aforementioned professor an e-mail from Jet's account (changing the displayed sender name to "Ralph Macchio") with his favorite expression, "Welcome Aboard," in the body. What I couldn't remember is whether or not we included this picture as well... Anyone remember the deets?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
School of Public Service Announced in Maine

With great pleasure it is announced that after years of diligent work in the Northern New England region we are able to announce the University of Southern Maine Muskie School of Public Service (USMMSPS). While most M.A.W. groups have focused on fun and fitness, the School of Public Service shows our dedication to service in the community.
There had been worries we would not be able to get this off the ground before relocating for a new assignment in June. "We really felt some pressure to not leave this unfinished before leaving" says Jet O'Kowski. "I'm grateful everyone who helped reel this thing in". O'Kowski cites watching video of Muskie Man pulling in a particularly large muskie as inspiration when times got rough. "His determination, his cool handling of that 'skie gave me that extra little bit I needed to get the job done. That man is amazing."
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Muski-fit Push-up Check-in
Fellow 'skies,
Look at all those hyphen-ated words in the title. That sure let's me know this post is important. I thought it would be good to check up on everyone's progress towards the 100 push-ups goal. I have had one injury reported to me so far. Let's remember that a safe 'skie is a happy 'skie. Also, a strong 'skie is a safe 'skie because nobody will mess with you, and if they do you can just beat them up.
Classic Muskie Moments Series
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Flying Muskie
Monday, January 12, 2009
Exercise Nutrition
To sustain proper nutrition during exercise remember:
- Stay adequately hydrated (min of 64oz water daily) I recommend filling a quart size canning jar/water bottle and filling it twice through out the day
- A balanced diet of fruits/veggies, carbs and protein. Protein is very important but it is not prudent to eat only protein as carbs help properly digest protein. (not to mention that there is no single food that contains all the nutrition your body needs)
- Remember: fruits/veggies and sweets are carbs - not just grains, breads, pastas, ect and protein does not just mean meat.
by Elder Oaks also applies to food as well!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
425 In Maine
Hot Dog! Actually, we should be saying "Hot Yummies"! The Maine chapter of 425 was cookin' up some good times and great eats in the headquarters kitchen today.
Despite the cold temps and snow outside, these 'skies really got things cookin'. Jet served up hot slices of fresh cinnamon raisin bread (dough preparation pictured at left) and oatmeal sourdough bread. Nitro kicked everyone's tastebuds into overdrive with her tangy lemon tarts. For those not in attendance we say: "eat your hearts out"! More pictures to follow.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Lewis says...
Friday, January 9, 2009
More photos to follow.
1/10/09 UPDATE
I'm pleased to announce that all members have now accepted the Muski-fit challenge. Welcome aboard the fitness bus everyone. Next stop: big muscles!!!