Friday, May 8, 2009


Today I finished my last rotation as a student! I really don't know what else to say. After roughly 21.75 years of school I'm done... It feels good. Thanks everyone for your support through all of it. Most of all, thank you Sarah... I mean Nitro.


Rebecca said...

Wow! Look at the height on that jump! I think the distance from the ground while doing a heel-clicker defines how happy you are feeling! Great job -- I'm really proud of you! Love, V

Sarah G said...

Yay! You must feel pretty great - I can't even imagine. I know how I felt after finishing this last semester and that wasn't even medical school. I hope you do something fun and completely time-wasting - just because you can!

Sarah G said...

I must also comment on how well you did the "Colin" in that second shot. Good form, nice turn in of the legs. I'd definitely give you a 10 for that one.