The logo says it all. I did 100 push-ups today. The first 70 went really quick, the last 10 were hard. My abs were shaking a little. I collapsed after hitting 100 (I was going to do a few extra). I decided at some point during my day in the office I was just going to do 100 today and not wait a few more days. my next goal will be doing 100 more easily and I think I'll do the 200 sit-ups program as well. How is everyone else doing?

I'm impressed! Display that icon proudly! Still on week 4 - it's a tough one. I had a hard time getting through the final set of reps and decided to re-do it.
Most people don't seem to think I'll be able to do 100 push ups, even had a friend tell me she'd buy me dinner if I ever got to 100. She should know better than to ever under-estimate the power of a 'skie!
Lewis - I did each week twice (I started at week 3 though). I think the increase between each week is too much and would recommend doing each week a few times. Have fun proving your friend wrong. Maybe you can have your friend take you to "Come and Get Fat", or at least "B.T. Bones".
That last comment, and this one are by Jet, not Nitro.
Good to know - I've just completed week four today. I'm kind of excited to see how many I'll do on my exhaustion test on Saturday. I realized that all-in-all, I did just over 100 push-ups... Oh, I flexed the other day and realized that I actually have a defined muscle on my arm. It was pretty shocking.
Congratulations Jet!!!!!
Feel proud: you're the first Muskie EVER to finish the 100 push-up challenge!
Lewis, show some of that muscle definition to your friend!
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