Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sightings from Blacksburg

 No contest would be complete without entries from the Woodbine community that fostered our appreciation for outdoor Christmas displays.  Jackie & Rick noticed the simplicity of the long string of white lights in the large window.  This was a noteworthy deviation from standard decorating practice as the luminous display was on the side of the house.  (this is a least 3 standard deviations outside the norm, making it a special case worthy of note and further observation.)

 We love this display of holiday cheer.  It's significance flows from the comingling of two holidays.  We couldn't decide if this is a case of creativity, efficiency (2 for 1), laziness (didn't get around to taking the pumpkin off the porch),  or space conservation (storing the pumpkin outside rather than in the garage or house).  In any case, a minimalist will certainly appreciate the beauty of the single red bow; there was no other decoration on the entire house.

The frat house with a nativity scene on the porch roof caught the eye.  Originally the bear would have been sitting near the scene.  We didn't know how the bear fit the nativity scene.  Perhaps mother nature didn't either and moved the bear to the side.  Or, is there some symbolism here?  E.g., recognizing that some things in our lives need to be put down to make room for those things which are most important.  Your insights?

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