Saturday, January 31, 2009

Muski-fit Push-up Check-in

Look at that muscle! The push-ups are working...

Fellow 'skies,

Look at all those hyphen-ated words in the title. That sure let's me know this post is important. I thought it would be good to check up on everyone's progress towards the 100 push-ups goal. I have had one injury reported to me so far. Let's remember that a safe 'skie is a happy 'skie. Also, a strong 'skie is a safe 'skie because nobody will mess with you, and if they do you can just beat them up.

Classic Muskie Moments Series

Straight from the "Reminisce: Turning a New Leaf" Archive.

Please post any "classic moments" you'd like to share with the whole gang!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Flying Muskie

After popping off 40 push ups Papi Joe threw in a few of the flying variety.

"I would like to challenge the fitness 'skies to try out a few of these."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Exercise Nutrition

To sustain proper nutrition during exercise remember:

  • Stay adequately hydrated (min of 64oz water daily) I recommend filling a quart size canning jar/water bottle and filling it twice through out the day
  • A balanced diet of fruits/veggies, carbs and protein. Protein is very important but it is not prudent to eat only protein as carbs help properly digest protein. (not to mention that there is no single food that contains all the nutrition your body needs)
  • Remember: fruits/veggies and sweets are carbs - not just grains, breads, pastas, ect and protein does not just mean meat.

The conference talk "Good, Better, Best"
by Elder Oaks also applies to food as well!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

425 In Maine

Hot Dog! Actually, we should be saying "Hot Yummies"! The Maine chapter of 425 was cookin' up some good times and great eats in the headquarters kitchen today.

Despite the cold temps and snow outside, these 'skies really got things cookin'. Jet served up hot slices of fresh cinnamon raisin bread (dough preparation pictured at left) and oatmeal sourdough bread. Nitro kicked everyone's tastebuds into overdrive with her tangy lemon tarts. For those not in attendance we say: "eat your hearts out"! More pictures to follow.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lewis says...

Lewis Borgnine, MVP and world champ. Max Rev and Ice Kushhh player says, "I hereby accept the Muski-fit Challenge!"

No Muskies Were Harmed...

They must have used Muskie Magnet lures!


The Muski-fit Challenge has been accepted.
Rebex says" Let's do some push-ups!"

Friday, January 9, 2009


Jet accepts the challenge.

With an eye on lasting Muskie health, Jet O'Kowski has been heading up the new Muski-Fit 100 push-up challenge. Nitro Paige, Chet Boustillie, and Papi Joe have accepted to challenge to date. We are looking for pictures of each participant. Our aim is "before" and "after" pics of each.

More photos to follow.

1/10/09 UPDATE

I'm pleased to announce that all members have now accepted the Muski-fit challenge. Welcome aboard the fitness bus everyone. Next stop: big muscles!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"A" sighting

An "A" was sighted at the Resaurante del Lago a few weeks ago. An enthusiastic fan of Kengito (Burrito) couldn't contain her excitement over his soothing dinner music.

Garden Club

After laying dormant for a season the Muskie Garden Club attended a Big Plant Preservation seminar in Mexico during December. Pictured here are two members Vortex Rebex and Louis Borgnine next to a featured species that is especially large.